AI – 1

I attended the FLA quarterly on Nov. 14 at FNC and was intrigued by its CEO’s presentation on AI. Couple of things stand out which begs a follow-up reading over the weekend.

1. AI- Driven Software Engineering

2. Transparent AI

On Transparent AI, it’s the fear that AI would one day surpass human’s intelligence and posses the ability in making autonomous decisions. These AI decision making process can be opaque to human, with potential of being harmful or detrimental to humankind. Hence T-switch is born: Transparent (or Trust) vs. Opaque AI.  [1]

On AI-Driven SW Engineering, straightforward interpretation could be that AI can identify SW bugs and amend them in real time. This means AI :

  • can recognize, understand and produce codes
  • has logical thinking, synthetic reasoning and correlation skills
  • is capable of making decisions
  • can act on the decision it concludes
  • able to learn and improve from its own trials & errors

The above capability reflects what’s AI is defined:

AI is the branch of computer science which deals with intelligence of machines where an intelligent agent is a system that takes actions which maximize its chances of success.  AI is broadly characterized as the study of computations that allow for perception, reason and action. AI is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs.

AI is the science and engineering making intelligent machines — John McCarthy

It makes sense to me at this point, with limited readings, that AI would be effective in SW Engineering and would one day be able to identify bugs and amend them in realtime, to help software development efficiency/speed with potential of more and heavier impacts. It’s high time to learn AI and become actively involved in exploring AI applications in SW Engineering and perhaps also optical networking technological domains.

[1] Artificial Intelligence in Business: Balancing Risk and Reward by Dr. Rob Walker, Pegasystems

[2] How Will AI Impact Software Development